We are closed for the PNE Summer Fair July 29-September 9. Registration for programs and tickets for events can be purchased online for when we re-open. We'll see you later skaters!

Hello Rolla humans!

We’ve been a little MIA this past month around here, we know, but only because we have been getting ready to open back the doors of a new rollerskating community space in Vancouver, Canada!

We’re re-opening a heritage building officially called “Rollerland” that has not been used for rollerskating for 40 years! Since 2018 Rolla Skate Club has been operating pop-up events and classes all over the lower mainland as we searched for our permanent venue. We’ve run classes in yoga studios and held skate parties in small art galleries as we worked to build the community. In December 4, 2021 (this weekend!!!) we’ll be opening Rollerland – or as we call her “RollaLand” – with classes, events, derby games, skate park, and more 7 days a week.

We have been putting a lot of work, effort, and love this past month in rebuilding Rollerland and it has been a LOT of work. We are so so grateful and in awe of the incredible community we have, so many beautiful humans who have supported us, offered their help, and put in their effort in helping us get started in the new place. We couldn’t have made it without you!

We have been documenting bits and pieces of this process in our new Instagram account for Vancouver @rollaskateclubyvr so come follow us and check out the amazing progress as we get ready to open this weekend!

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A post shared by Rolla Skate Club Vancouver (@rollaskateclubyvr)

We have also been working on our video blogging and have up in our YouTube Channel Part 1/2/3/4 & 5 of the whole journey and of the wonders happening inside the building!

In Part 1 come and see the building on the inside as it was, completely empty and pretty big, and get a walk-through of the space and the before picture. We also follow along with Carla and Lucy, Rolla’s Co-Founders, in Part 2 and take a peek at the construction happening at the DJ Booth, the front desk, and get to see our first rollerskates delivery! You can check out in Part 3 the amazing team of volunteers who helped out with assembling, organizing, unboxing, lacing, and so much more. In Part 4 you can also watch the progress of the skate park (!!!), mid-construction of the banks, quarterpipes, the mini ramp, and a mini-mini ramp for beginners, which will be an awesome place to get started. For Part 5, we follow along Rolla’s first-ever All Team Meeting at the new venue, where we meet current and new lovely humans that will be with Rolla at Rollerland and we chat with some of them about what excites them the most about the opening!

Part 6 will be coming up later this week, so be on the lookout for the grand finale of this series when we open our doors to the public this Saturday, Dec 4!