As rollerskaters we are deeply connected to the land we skate on.
We viscerally experience the contours of the land as it rolls under our wheels, the rocks or twigs that we do our best to avoid while out on a trail skate, being held weightless in the air as we drop into the bowl and the bruises we receive when our bodies “kiss” the ground.
Non-skaters often laugh at our obsession with a nice smooth piece of asphalt – once you start skating you’ll always be looking down at the ground to find that perfect skating spot.
But do you know whose land you are skating on?
This question is explored in this awesome article and interview with the Gay Commie Skate Crew of St Petersburgh, Florida.
“As a child, Gonzales grew up learning the dances of her people from her parents. She felt free in those moments of uplifting movement.
Now, skating ignites the same liberatory joy. When she’s had a rough day, Gonzales focuses her energy on four wheels and lets loose with her comrades.
“I’m letting go of all of these feelings, all of these emotions,” she says. “It’s a form of healing, much like dancing was.” “
Find out whose land you are skating on by visiting – post in the Discussions tab in the top right corner >>>
In Canada, June is National Indigenous History Month. It is a time for learning about, appreciating and acknowledging the contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people. We urge you to listen to Indigenous voices, educate yourself on the history often not taught in schools and act to support Reconciliation.